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These links are being provided to the user as a courtesy, and do not imply endorsement of these products or sites by the State of California.

Notice: The State of California assumes no responsibility for the content posted at Web sites maintained by other organizations. (See Use Policy)

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Download a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader for your personal use. Adobe Acrobat is available in both PC and Mac versions.

Word 97/2000 Viewer—(Word 2000), (Windows 95/98/NT)

Download a copy of Word Reader for your personal use. Windows viewer is for Windows-based PC users—who don't have Word—to open and view Word 97 and Word 2000 documents.

The State Legislature
Bill Information
Committees, Hearings and Events
Budget Information
Calendar and Schedules
Rules and Ethics
Leadership and Caucuses
Oversight and Review
Legislators and Districts
Research, Laws and Publications
Legislative Research
Laws and Constitution